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Arnica Montana: A Healing Plant

The young mother suffering from arthritis pain struggles each time she lifts a child, unbuckles a car seat, or opens a jar of peanut butter.

The patient feeling nervous about the effects of prescription pain medicine seeks a natural remedy for chronic back pain to compliment his chiropractic treatments.

The marathon runner suffering from a hip injury and muscle cramps worries that he will not finish his next scheduled race.

What do these three people have in common?  They all finally found pain relief in topical Doctor Hoy's® Arnica Boost Recovery Cream.


Arnica Montana is a yellow mountain daisy, sometimes called wolf’s bane or leopard’s bane.  It is native to areas of Europe, North America, Northern Asia, and Siberia. Traditionally, Swiss mountaineers used this hearty plant to prevent muscle soreness.  For centuries, Arnica Montana has proven an important medicinal plant as it has been used widely in the treatment of pain




Doctor Hoy's Blog Post: Arnica Montana a Healing Plant

An evaluation of Arnica Montana shows that it has antibacterial, anti-tumor, and antioxidant activity.  It also contains anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties.  These therapeutic benefits happen when the plant is simply rubbed on the skin of the affected area.  Arnica encourages and stimulates increased blood circulation. This provides oxygen and nutrients to support healing, while also carrying away waste.  These remarkable healing qualities are the reason Arnica has been used throughout the ages to treat inflammation, wounds, hematomas, bruises, and more.


Scientific evidence concludes that Arnica successfully relieves pain.  One randomized study examined 204 people with osteoarthritis in their hands and found that a topical arnica gel preparation worked as effectively as daily Ibuprofen.

A similar study explored the symptoms of 79 patients with arthritis of the knee.  When these patients used arnica gel twice daily for three to six weeks, they experienced significantly less pain and stiffness with overall improved function.

Another study tested whether Arnica is effective in reducing pain when applied immediately after eccentric exercise.  The participants using topical Arnica reported less pain up to 72 hours after exercise.  

Arnica is a healthy, safe, and natural alternative treatment for many painful conditions.  This translates to improved function and quality of life.


Doctor Hoy's Arnica Boost with Natural Ingredients for Better Relief


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