What Our Customers Think

Read customer testimonials about Doctor Hoy's® Natural Pain Relief topical analgesic gel and cream.

"I am so glad that I bought two tubes of Doctor Hoy’s Natural Arnica Boost. I fell on November 10th and used it on my pulled hamstring and bruised kneecap1. I was blessed so much to not have broken anything and the Arnica Boost is helping me with the pain of the pull and the bruised kneecap."

C.E. Merrill


"I just wanted to reach out. My husband has chronic back pain, is in the process of getting MRI’s and scheduling surgery for his back and these products are helping with his pain down his legs! He loves this product."

Kristin Schelin Davis


"I cannot thank you enough! I struggle with eczema and have tried countless products to relieve my itchy, inflamed hands. Nothing worked until my sister suggested I try Doctor Hoy’s Natural Arnica Boost to help reduce the inflammation. I saw results right away and my hands healed within days. Your product works better than prescription topical creams! Thank you for making such a wonderful product!!!"



"I have used Doctor Hoy’s products for years on my post-op and arthritic patients. They have seen decreased pain and improved scar healing. We order monthly, as patients come back again and again to get the product. I use it for the massage lotion on post-op scars and arthritic areas. I have felt significant improvement in my own hands from doing massages, so I have no issues recommending to my patients and it pretty much sells itself once they use it."

Julie Kresel

Doctor, Spooner Physical Therapy

"I have a young boy who was worked up for Juvenile Arthritis, however, did not have enough of the markers for a diagnosis. He was unable to play with his peers due to joint pain, never learned to ride a bike due to excessive pain and came home from school needing to rest secondary to discomfort. After applying the Doctor Hoy’s Arnica Boost, he is learning how to ride his very first bike, has made new friends and playing like a little boy should. His mother is so grateful and has purchased the 64 oz jug. My adolescent gymnasts and baseball athletes use either the Doctor Hoy’s Natural Arnica Boost or the Pain Relief Gel to relieve inflammation or discomfort thereby allowing me to perform joint mobilizations or soft tissue work with greater outcomes. All my arthritic patients who purchase the Doctor Hoy’s Natural Pain Relief Gel report they cannot live without it. Even my 100-year-old grandmother uses it on her 35+ year bilateral knee replacements. Doctor Hoy’s is a water based natural product that does not interfere with medications and it works better than any other joint pain relief I have tried! This is the only pain-relieving gel I use and the only one I recommend."

Christine Bost

Doctor, Bost Physical Therapy

"My patients love Doctor Hoy's products. They notice a tremendous difference when they use both the pain relief gel and the Arnica Boost together. In fact, my only recommendation is to use the two together–why only get limited results? I have a tube of each near my treatment table to show patients how easy it goes on and how quickly it dries and leaves little to no residue on the skin. Once they see how quickly they can apply multiple layers to get longer relief, they purchase it. I’ve tried the Tiger Balms, Natural Ices, and the BioFreezes that are on the market. They’re greasy, they’ve stained my white shirts, etc. But, Doctor Hoy's is my go-to from now on. It’s the only topical pain reliever that I offer to my patients and my family."

Dan Bucek

Doctor, Bucek Chiropractic

“Dr. Hoy’s has literally been a game-changer for me and my patients! We have used other topical analgesics in the past, but the results we’ve seen with Dr. Hoy’s does not compare. No oily residue and the relief lasts for hours!”

Rick Bishop

DC, CCSP. Executive Director PBCS

"Our patients like the low warmth they feel with Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel and how the Arnica Boost lasts for a while on their skin. We use the Arnica Boost while performing soft tissue manipulation on our patients, we use the Pain Relief Gel with ultrasound about 95% of the time as a phonophoresis application and we use it on our patients for post adjustments. I personally like the way it feels on my body for my aches and pain area. Our patients really like the way it feels and that gives me the confidence in telling others about it."

Brian Prieto

Doctor, Prieto Chiropractic

"Just a short note to share my experience with Doctor Hoy’s Natural Pain Relief Gel. I am a life time golfer, playing several times a week. Every several years I am afflicted with “tennis elbow”. My left forearm becomes so sore and tender that the pain I experience makes golf no fun at all! My wife suggested I try Doctor Hoy’s. WOW!!!! It is unbelievable how fast I get complete relief. I mean the pain and soreness is gone within minutes. What a great product! Count me as a believer!"

Kent Bulkley


"I was one of the vendors at the FCA National in Orlando. I had stopped by your booth by recommendation. I’ve had pain and issues with my feet most of my life. I recently had surgery on my foot this past April and after working long days, I knew it would start to get sore. I sat down with one of the super nice gals and slathered my foot up with the Pain Relief Gel and followed with the Arnica Boost. I headed back to continue the rest of my work day and I must say, my foot has not felt better since having the surgery. I was in complete relief ALL DAY! I have had more relief with Doctor Hoy's than the narcotics and other pain relievers I’ve had to use over the years, and especially after my surgery. I went back and purchased some the next day and have been using it every day since. This stuff has absolutely changed my life!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!"

Alexandria W.


"Thank you so much for the bottle of Doctor Hoy's. I have tried it several times since I received it and have found it does relieve the arthritis pain in my knee and hip. It acts quickly, which is a must (really, who wants to wait for pain relief?) and the effects last for several hours! I’ve been avoiding the exercise I need recently because of the incapacitating hip and knee pain, but now I am able to resume my walking program to aid in weight control, which also helps the pain issue. And I’m sure I have the softest knee in town! Thanks again!"

Donna A.

RN/Clinical Analyst in Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ

"I love the product! With chronic bursitis in my hip (I had spinal surgery last year, and for over 3 years can only sleep on one side, which is a problem!) Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel is the only product that enables me to sleep well and I am so grateful! It is good to get sleep! After trying a free sample from the spa, I am hooked! Thanks!"


Customer in West Virginia

"I have had 2 back surgeries and do get a LOT of pain. A sales person said I should try it and see what I thought. Not thinking Doctor Hoy's would work, but willing to try anything to stop the pain, I tried it. To my amazement it does take a lot of my pain out of my back. I have L-3, L-4, L-5 fused and pain is an everyday thing with me. So glad I gave Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel a try!"



"I would like to let you know that our customers love your product. We have been ordering for over 2 years and love the service. I have also told other Z-CoiL dealers about Doctor Hoy's. When we first got Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel, we had just put it out and a lady walked in to get a pair of Z-CoiL shoes. While fitting her in the shoes she kept holding her arm like it was broken and only using one hand. I asked her what was causing her pain and she said she had to have surgery on her shoulder and she was going in the hospital in 2 days to have it done. I got the Doctor Hoy's out and applied it to her shoulder. I put the bottle back and she asked for the largest bottle we had and put it on the counter so she would not forget to buy it when she checked out. It worked that fast. She came back 2 weeks later and purchased another bottle and stated that it was the only thing that got her through till the surgery and after the surgery it stopped the pain while she was healing. She said without it she would never have made it. We also have a delivery man for pizza that we call 2-3 times a month and he will not take a tip but asks for the samples of Doctor Hoy's. This had been going on for a couple of months and the last time he was in he purchased a bottle because we don’t call him often enough! Thanks for the great product. It is sure nice to have something that works and is chemical free and all natural. You have made firm believers of my customers."

Mary De Zarn

President, Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear, Anchorage, AK

"Just wanted to say a big “thank you” for developing Doctor Hoy's Pain Gel. Your product has been the most successful in relieving my shoulder pain. I have spent hundreds of dollars for pain relief treatments – none of them lasting or truly worthwhile. Doctors diagnosed my problems as arthritic. Not being able to handle the side effects of anti-inflammatory medications, I searched for an alternative to these type of treatments. Your product proved to be the miracle I had been searching for! Again, thank you so much! I highly recommend your product to all my friends and anyone else that needs pain relief."

David H.

Customer in Phoenix, AZ

"As a hospital pharmacist, it was quite a shock to discover the high level of pain relief in Doctor Hoy's Pain Gel. I happened upon your booth at a fair and was very skeptical about the claims being made. I have had degenerative disc disease for many years and have used scores of prescribed pain medications from Ibuprofen to Oxycontin. My education and training as a licensed pharmacist have led me to believe the strongest and most reliable pain relievers are prescribed by doctors and filled by pharmacists. However, the combination of Menthol 5% and Camphor 5% has worked particularly well in controlling the pain I suffer from this degenerative disc disease. I find your pain gel to be swift and effective in topically controlling my back pain. It is wonderful to know Doctor Hoy's over the counter natural pain relief gel actually lives up to its claims. As a pharmacist, I have no qualms about recommending it to my patients, friends and family. Doctor Hoy's Pain Relief Gel is an excellent product!"

Jill C.

PharmD./RPh, Customer in Arizona

"The first time I experienced Doctor Hoy's I couldn’t believe how quickly it relieved my back and neck pain. Not only did it work fast, it also kept working for a good 3 hours. I’ve tried all types of pain relieving creams, but this beats them all. The word has spread through my office that I have this great pain relieving remedy. Many of my co-workers have stopped by to test it out. They all agree that it really works."

Kris M.

Customer in San Diego, CA

"I had a total shoulder replacement 5 weeks ago. Before that time I was in horrible pain. Doctor Hoy's Pain Relieving Gel was a lifesaver! It gave me relief when nothing else worked. Now, going through physical therapy, I use the Gel after my sessions and at bedtime. It keeps the pain of moving those muscles that haven’t moved for so long at bay! Thank you so much for having such a wonderful product. I send it to all of my friends."

Carol S.

Customer in Phoenix, AZ

"Wow! I was in so much pain the whole weekend, and had literally tried everything (conventional Vicadin, non-conventional homeopathy), and nothing relieved the pain like your gel. I happened upon it while at my mom’s house (she is an avid try-something-new type) and I read the label, looked at the ingredients and said, ‘Why not?’ I can’t even tell you how much better I feel. I have real range of motion now and very little wincing pain (I could barely breathe in without a wince, a howl or a grunt). Thanks for everything."

Aimee S.

Customer in Redondo Beach, CA

"I am a Type II Diabetic. About 1 1/2 years ago, my wife and I came across Doctor Hoy's booth. Since we like natural products, we purchased several items, including Doctor Hoy's Pain Relief Gel. This has been a Godsend to my wife and me. We use it for everything from sore, tight muscles and inflammation from swollen ankles, aching feet and knees. We use it on our hips, hands, backs, elbows, neck muscles, and across the forehead when we have a terrific headache. I must say, it is the very best product I have ever used and we have used a lot. This is the one we have purchased over and over. My motto is, ‘Works for Me!’ – and it will work for you, too. Try it, you will like it!"

William Joiner

Customer in Mesa, AZ

"We met for the first time Friday evening at the St. George Convention Center. I left your display with several Doctor Hoy's samples and when I got to the parking lot I turned around to come back for a $20 container. When I got back to my hotel room I applied the Doctor Hoy's cream to my inflamed hamstring area. It did just what you said it would. It seemed to begin the healing immediately and within minutes 75% of aching pain was gone. My daughter with a recently sprained ankle used it with a similar result. The pattern was the same for my 2nd daughter with a t-band pain. Both had their pain gone almost immediately. I have run every St. George Marathon since 1979; this year was my 30th. Six of my children and four of their spouses prepared and ran the race with me this year. I’ve had an inflamed hamstring for 6-8 months and my running has been cut down to almost nothing. I told my family that I would be doing a run / walk this year at a very slow pace. We all applied the Doctor Hoy's again just before the race started Saturday morning. I started running slow and just continued. I didn’t walk at all except for 100 yards or so at some of the rest stations. By about half way through the run the pain in my hamstring area seemed to be almost gone. Today it feels just the same. The Doctor Hoy's cream was enough to get me through a very tough and painful time. Thanks for being there!"

Rock Ballstaedt

Customer in Salt Lake City, UT

"I have been a nurse for 33 years with severe chronic joint pain. I have used just about every product on the market from conventional to non-conventional homeopathy and have found that Doctor Hoy's is the best topical product I have ever used. Nothing has relieved the pain like your gel. Thank you to everyone who worked on getting this product manufactured, it truly is a blessing to get relief."

Joanne O.

Customer in New York, NY

"I am Dr. Heather Dehn’s husband and am always the one that gets to try all the new ointments out! I play softball a couple nights a week as well as umpire three nights a week. I am a big guy so running around takes a toll on my body. Doctor Hoy's has been a lifesaver for me. I put it on before a game and by the time I get to the softball complex I am ready to go! This is great stuff that I will continue to use for years!!"

Mike Morris

Customer in Sacramento, CA

"I’ve been using Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel for more than two years. I have used many other products over the years. Some good, some not so good. Once I tried Doctor Hoy's, I realized this was the best all-around analgesic on the market. I use Doctor Hoy's for everything from stuffy noses to stiff toes. The fact that the price is affordable to my patients and the product is made with Nature in mind, made the decision to stay with Doctor Hoy's a no brainer."

James Callahan

Doctor, DC Professional in Amesbury, MA

"I’ve been in practice for 20 years and perform extensive myofascial work on many patients per week and we use Doctor Hoy's Pain Relief Gel on virtually all our treatments. We get great results in a shorter time when we use Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel. As a chiropractor that specializes in deeper myofascial therapy and one of the Elite Providers for Active Release Therapy, I get great results for all myofascial and edema/ bruising type injuries. I also get relief for my own hands when using the Doctor Hoy's Pain Relief Gel. The ingredients in Doctor Hoy's Pain Relief Gel, especially arnica montana, are some of the best I’ve found on the market today!"

Stephen Iversen

Doctor, DC Professional in Orange, CA

"While having Chemo treatments, Doctor Hoy's brought me much relief. When I would get the neulasta shot, it was so painful. I had to use Doctor Hoy's on my arms, legs and back. I no longer needed to take my pain pill, Vicodin. This was a blessing because I didn’t like how the pill made me feel. From there I got osteo arthritis and osteo penia and again found great relief with the Doctor Hoy's. I use it all over my body and really don’t know how I would be making it without your product. I love it because it is really fast acting and very comforting. I have tried many other products before this one and this is the only one that works. I am amazed at how wonderfully this blesses me. I have a lot of pain and this is really saving me. I keep the foils in my purse and hand them out and have them for when I feel a strong pain while I am at treatments. It keeps my pain to a level that I can manage my life. It also helped when I had my cortisone shot in my foot. The site of the injection was so painful that I needed to rub the Doctor Hoy's on and it felt so much better. Thank you so much for this wonderful product."

Mary Ann

Customer in Mesa, AZ

"In the past 17 years of practice I have used many products and supplements to help patients relieve their pain. Doctor Hoy's has been an extremely valuable find! I would rank Doctor Hoy's as the number one product due to ease of application, duration of relief and the variety of symptoms it has effectively treated. My patients have benefited from its use and always tell me about the great relief they have received with Doctor Hoy's. I have used it to treat a variety of aliments from arthritis, sprains, strains, overuse syndromes, and chronic pain. It was even used to relieve pain caused by a tooth in need of a root canal (Doctor Hoy's was applied to the outside of the cheek over the involved tooth). In addition to being a busy chiropractor, I enjoy running marathons, bike riding and racquetball. I also coach marathon runners and walkers with Living Life After Stroke, a non-profit organization. Most of my participants have found the benefit of Doctor Hoy's. They state that it has helped them in their 5-month training program and the completion of their event. The small packets can be carried on the trail and when the aches and pains begin a simple application of Doctor Hoy's rejuvenates the legs. Thank you Doctor Hoy's!"

Christopher Creed

Doctor, Professional in Dallas, TX

"I am a Registered Nurse and a Licensed Massage Therapist. I teach continuing education and wellness classes. When I found Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel in Minneapolis at the American Massage Therapy Association National Convention, I was excited to learn about this product. I read through the ingredients list very carefully and was very happy with what I found. With great excitement I said, ‘Thank goodness! Finally something without toxic ingredients!’ I am so pleased to find something so clean, healthy and beneficial!"

Jeannette Vaupel

RN, LMT Professional in IL and AZ

"Doctor Hoy's Natural Pain Relief Gel is my favorite analgesic to use on my patients. It penetrates deeply and my patients love the long-lasting effects. I have used Bio-Freeze and Sombra and my patients prefer and ask for Doctor Hoy's."

Lynne Genet

Doctor, DC, American Chiropractic in Scottsdale, AZ

"I had the great experience to try your pain relief gel at the Ironman Arizona at the water station just before mile 2 on the run. It got me through loop 2 and back and again through loop 3 to the finish. I have to be honest, it really gave me the boost I needed both physically and mentally. I was really hurting when I pulled into your pit stop and felt like I had new legs as I left headed out. Amazing product!!!!!"

Mike Schiepke


"Our customers have loved the Doctor Hoy's product. Some quotes are ‘Wow, my knee pain is gone!’ and ‘I tried some Doctor Hoy's on my sore shoulder and the soreness went away in 5 minutes’. We have sold through our product twice in less than three weeks. We have a sample bottle on our cash wrap for our customers to try. Within five minutes a customer states that the stuff just works. It becomes an infection in a crowded store. One person comments how Doctor Hoy's feels good and then four other people are asking about it. I have sold 5 bottles to five customers after one told everyone else how great Doctor Hoy's felt. You have to try it to believe it."

Jeremy Levin

Fleet Feet Sports Baltimore

"Thank you for an amazing product!! I am a family physician at the Steingard Sports Medicine Group in Phoenix, AZ. I am a big believer in your product. It is rare that a day goes by without recommending your product. It is so much different that the other topical analgesics because of its formulation and use of Arnica. I recommend Doctor Hoy’s gel to many of my patients and it works great!! I send them over to Healthy Habits in Phoenix all the time. My wife, Louise, uses it all the time before her races and she has improved dramatically. She has completed 18 marathons and the most recent one she ran a 3:15!! She also won the Arizona Road Racers Grand Prix Series and the Summer Series for her age division. You have a great product!!"

Jason Turner


"Hello there. I just wanted to let you know how your product helped me out last weekend at the St. George Marathon. I have been working through a hip/hamstring injury for several months as I trained for the marathon. The Friday before the race I was accepting the fact that this may be my first DNF. I decided that I would listen to my body and I would not finish the race and injure myself more, prolonging any recovery. I knew of your product (I saw you at either Ogden or Logan Marathons) and a friend of mine carries your product in his store but it did not occur to me until I saw you at the St. George Expo that this might be the thing I need to get me through the race (Or even to the starting line). I purchased a tube with some individual use packets. When I got back to our hotel I lathered up and within the hour I was free from all pain in my hip and upper leg. That gave me the confidence I needed to feel as though I could do this. The morning of the race I put on a thick coat of Doctor Hoys Natural Pain Relief Gel, packed two packets in my hydration belt and off I went. During my warm up I still felt confident I could do this race. I stopped twice to lather up during the race and that kept the pain at bay long enough for me to finish the race. This was my 6th marathon, I did not PR but I finished and that is better than I had hoped for three days prior. Thank you so much for being at the expo. I appreciate it! New loyal customer!"

Michael Viscetto


"I would love to add my testimonial. A friend of mine ran the St. George Marathon, Oct 01, 2011. At mile 11 his knee began to ache. I had given him a travel size of the Doctor Hoy’s pain relief gel the night before to carry on the marathon. He rubbed it all over his knee, and was able to finish his marathon pain-free. Now, I was glad to hear of his experience since I would be running my 2nd marathon the following weekend, Oct 08, 2011, at the Layton, UT marathon. A little history about me…November 2010 I had knee surgery after my first marathon. I had knocked out part of my cartilage behind my knee cap, resulting in a micro fracture surgery, a lateral release and meniscus shaving. You can see why I was a little concerned about this upcoming marathon; it would be the first post-surgery. Well, at mile 10, my knee started to act up and I really thought I would not be able to finish. As a last resort, and sure a topical gel would not be the answer, I rubbed the entire packet of Doctor Hoy's pain relief gel all over my knee…in front, in back, and on both sides. I testify to you that I was able to finish the marathon and truly did not feel one more bit of pain for the next 16.2 miles!! This stuff really is that GREAT!!! I will forever be a loyal user/customer. Thanks!!! It’s fantastic!!! Please feel free to share my experience."

Lisa M. Smith

Customer in Syracruse, UT

"Dear Doctor Hoy’s, Don’t ever stop making this wonderful miracle gel! I suffer with cranial/spinal headaches (intracranial hypertension) and as soon as I feel one coming on Doctor Hoy’s is the first step in my regimen of pain relief. I rub it into my neck and shoulders and it helps relax my muscles and take my headache away. I love it so much I sent a bottle to my Grandpa who was told he needed back surgery and after just a month the X-rays show decreased swelling, and my Grandpa is asking for more so he can stay out of the OR!"

Jenifer Fenstermaker

Customer in Arizona

"As a doctor with fibromyalgia that treats many types of fibromyalgia and chronic pain conditions in Arizona, I cannot say enough positive things about Doctor Hoy's Arnica boost. Some of my patients say it even works better than their Percocet or Vicodin. I love the consistency of the Arnica boost cream and it is wonderful for swelling, pain, neuropathy and arthritis especially when applied in layers. Many headache patients find relief from massaging the cream into their tight facial muscles and neck and we can stop the headache from turning into a migraine with Doctor Hoy's. If one layer does not work, wait five minutes and apply a second or third layer."

Nicole S.

Customer in Arizona