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Halei Jo Fuller: American Ninja Warrior

Halei “Not Your Average” Jo Fuller proved the accuracy of this nickname on her twenty-second birthday. Instead of blowing out birthday candles, she competed for her second time on the entertainment sports show American Ninja Warrior. The energy was electric and the crowd cheered while she tackled a series of challenging obstacle courses.

This well-rounded athlete was exceptionally prepared for American Ninja Warrior. Halei Jo is a 5’ 2”, 106 lb package of power. She participates in triathlons, obstacle races, long distance running, sprinting, weight lifting, gymnastics, and taekwondo. Recently she developed a love for CrossFit and participated in four competitions.

Doctor Hoy's Blog Halei Jo Fuller Sprinting
Doctor Hoy's Blog Halei Jo Fuller Ropes Course
In addition to well-rounded athleticism, Halei Jo strives to maintain balance in
every aspect of her life. During American Ninja Warrior Season 9, fans endearingly called her the “band geek with a black belt”.   She caught attention with the ability to play multiple instruments including the piccolo, flute, violin, saxophone, guitar, piano, cello, ukulele, and trumpet. She attended college as a classical conducting major. The girl who used to be teased on the bus for carrying multiple instruments challenged typical stereotypes.

“I have always loved health and fitness. I have always loved music. But in school, it seemed like I could only choose one or the other. That really bothered me. I believe I can do both. I can be physically fit and play multiple instruments. That’s ok! I want to share with the world that it’s possible to have multiple passions and be successful at each.”

Following college graduation, Halei Jo pursued an opportunity to help others achieve a healthy balance. She has a personal trainer certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She finds great satisfaction in helping others face fears and reach goals. The advice she offers regarding health and fitness is to take a balanced, long-term approach.

“Losing weight, or focusing on an aesthetic image, is a short-term goal. Health and fitness is a long-term goal that should always come first. If you feel good, and can move, be patient with the results. It’s a process and journey that never ends. There is no specific destination. Health and fitness is a lifestyle. It’s about trying each day to be a healthier and well-rounded human. Enjoy it. Do it for yourself.”

Doctor Hoy's Blog Halei Jo Fuller

Halei Jo recommends Doctor Hoy's® topicals for pain relief when training. She first discovered the products when filming “Ninja vs. Ninja”. The long day of intense obstacle courses and repeatedly catching her body weight had ended. She was so sore she could not lift her arms. It was then that her father, who is a chiropractor and carries the topicals in his office, recommended Doctor Hoy's.

Recently, Halei Jo has been applying topical Doctor Hoy's while recovering from an injury. She tore three different ligaments in her foot and ankle. Doctor Hoy's is a key tool to relieve pain and inflammation. She plans to recover in time for the next season of American Ninja Warrior in Cincinnati next month and her first Olympic weight lifting meet this fall.

Doctor Hoy's Blog Halei Jo Fuller Power Squat

“I’m always really sore as an athlete. I use Doctor Hoy's in addition to rest. I apply both the Arnica Boost and Pain Relief Gel for fast and natural pain relief. Arnica Boost also helps any bruises from training recover quickly.”

Try topical Arnica Boost combined with Pain Relief Gel for recovery and see why athletes, like Halei Jo Fuller, love Doctor Hoy's!

Doctor Hoy's Blog Halei Jo Fuller

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